W.E.M.T (Webapphealing Email Marketing Tool)


2X Opens, 4X Clicks! Email marketing platform that drives revenue!

Get higher open, and clickthrough rates on your email campaigns right from the onset.

What makes Webapphealing's Email Marketing platform the best-in-class?

Drag & Drop Designer

Choose from a gallery of over 30 templates or simply drag and drop to create your own design.

AMP Support

Create dynamic emails with real-time data updates, forms, and user actions, right within the email body.

Customized Reporting

Get user-level granular insights that help you create better engagement strategies with Email.

Take a look at our worldwide partners

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Email Marketing Platform Packed with Powerful Features!

Send Time Optimization

Promotional & Transactional Emails

User Level Insights

AMP For Email

A/B Testing

Powerful Rest APIs

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