Delegate your routine tasks, automate redundant processes, and focus on things that matter with our Virtual Assistant Services.

  • Calling, appointment setting, managing travel plans, and handling accounts
  • Save huge with our flexible pricing options customized to meet diverse needs
  • Tackle resource crunch, eliminate operational overhead, and minimize churn

Virtual Assistant Services We Offer

Struggling to effectively finish your everyday chores, grow your workload fast, or handle your administrative tasks? Do you constantly lose employees, which frequently results in a shortage of resources? Are your professional errands slowing down your progress?

With our virtual assistant services, you may hire tech-savvy, proactive assistants to manage your errands and finish regular duties. We are a well-known provider of virtual assistant services with over 9 years of expertise. Our knowledgeable and educated virtual assistants help you with all of your call center duties, such as setting up appointments, answering incoming and outgoing calls, and monitoring customer accounts, among others. With our specialized virtual support services, you can completely transform the way your organization runs while saving a ton of money and adding value.

Surviving in disruption requires breaking the monotonous pattern of going about your daily chores and concentrating on what matters. Hiring virtual assistants to do your core and non-essential chores is thus a sensible solution. We are one such virtual assistant supplier, and we provide the following services. -

More Services

  • Virtual Desktop Publishing Assistant

    Looking for remote and flexible desktop publishing assistance? Get customized solutions that address your unique needs with our virtual assistants for desktop publishing.

  • Virtual Travel Planning Assistant

    Unable to keep a track of your hectic travel schedules? Track, update, and maintain your travel calendars and get timely reminders with our efficient services.

  • Virtual Correspondence Management Assistant

    Manage correspondences and routine tasks that need timely attention and follow-ups with our virtual assistants for correspondence management.

  • Virtual Presentations & Spreadsheets Creation Assistant

    Create exceptional presentations and maintain accurate spreadsheets that serve as references with our presentations and spreadsheet creation assistance.

  • Transaction Coordinator

    Track all your business transactions, update transaction data, and create detailed transaction reports with our virtual transaction coordinators.

  • Virtual Assistants for Supply Management Services

    Keep a tab on your inventory, product perishability, supply trends, and various other aspects related to the supply chain with our virtual assistance services.

  • Virtual Assistant Accounting & Bookkeeping Services

    Prepare balance sheets on time, reconcile credit card and bank statements, and forecast your profits with virtual assistants for accounting and bookkeeping.

  • Virtual Assistant Services in the Philippines

    As the skilled, qualified, and enthusiastic talent pool grows in the Philippines, we leverage our resources there to deliver turnkey virtual assistance to global clients.

  • Virtual Medical Assistant Services

    Set up remote medical assistance support with our trained and qualified virtual medical assistants to deliver value and improve patient care.


We strive to remove bottlenecks and deliver seamless experiences to all our clients. To accomplish this, we follow a multi-step approach, which involves -

01. Requirements Gathering

We first collect all the inputs from the client and analyze their unique requirements

02. Task Delegation

In this stage, we classify the tasks and delegate them to the most suitable remote assistant

03. Seamless Support

We then provide the necessary remote assistance to manage routine tasks efficiently

04. Review and Improvisation

Our remote assistants seek constant feedback and incorporate it into their services to constantly improve their support


Growing customer demands and changing regulatory standards are compelling businesses worldwide to consider remote or virtual assistance to manage their business processes efficiently. We are a virtual assistance service provider offering reliable remote assistance to global clients. When you outsource virtual assistant services to us, we provide you with the necessary support to –

  • Get the desired accuracy, efficiency, and enterprise-level security to manage routine tasks.
  • Ensure business continuity and scale quickly based on your fluctuating business needs.
  • Manage schedules, minimize churn, and eliminate operational overhead.

Balance your work and life, streamline your processes, and accelerate your success with our virtual assistant services.

To give businesses a competitive edge and success, Webapphealing Technology Pvt Ltd delivers end-to-end digital transformation services & solutions with cutting-edge technologies.

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